History + Experience
ColumbiaCare has extensive history and experience in designing, developing, and operating a variety of innovative and impactful behavioral health programming and Veterans resources in Oregon and Washington. We have a proven track record of providing quality services that produce positive outcomes for those we serve, safety for clients and community members, and positive professional relationships with partnering agencies and communities.
Since forming ColumbiaCare Services in 2003, the company has designed, developed, and is now operating over 41 residential programs, including 21 licensed residential treatment programs providing 24-hour residential services, and 20 affordable Supportive/Integrated Housing programs, with more in development and or under construction. Our lowest level of housing supports is our Rental Assistance Programming, that helps individuals identify, obtain, and maintain independent housing in the community through barrier removal, skills training, and other support.
In addition to mental health residential and housing services, ColumbiaCare offers community-based services including but not limited to Outpatient Services in a community clinic settings, Supported Education & Employment, Representative Payee Services, and Peer Support. ColumbiaCare also specializes in offering both community and licensed residential crisis programs.
For many years, ColumbiaCare has had the privilege of contracting and coordinating with multiple agencies in various locations to establish service linkages and advocate for the treatment needs of clients. The personal success stories of our clients and the positive impact our programs reflects our ability to meet the needs of of individuals, agencies, and communities.
>> ColumbiaCare was chosen as one of Oregon Business 100 Best Companies in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016.
>> ColumbiaCare is licensed to operate Residential Treatment Homes and Facilities for Adults with Mental Illnesses in 6 Oregon counties (Clackamas, Coos, Curry, Jackson, Lane, and Multnomah) with the State of Oregon Addictions and Mental Health Division.
>>In addition to residential and housing services, ColumbiaCare holds an agency-wide Certificate of Approval issued by the Oregon Health Authority to provide clinical mental health outpatient treatment services in 44 program locations. With these credentials we provide Intensive Case Management services, Hospital Assessment & Diversion, Post-Hospital Follow-Up, and Crisis Programming. We provide a full range of traditional Outpatient Services in a community clinic setting, such as Individual Therapy, Case Management services, Representative Payee Services, and Peer Support.
>>ColumbiaCare is a certified Medicare provider, allowing us to offer mental health treatment services to those covered by Medicare plans. We are also proud to share that our Central Clinic in Medford, OR has met criteria to be an approved National Health Service Corps site.
>>Our agency has 4 authorized TriWest Healthcare Alliance practitioners who are able to serve Veterans in Outpatient Service environments.
>> ColumbiaCare is an approved Community Rehabilitation Provider of high fidelity Supported Employment & Education Services in Portland and Medford, OR with the State of Oregon Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Services and State of Oregon Addictions and Mental Health Division.
>> ColumbiaCare has a robust and comprehensive Veterans Services Division which offers programs to meet the specific needs of those who have served our country. ColumbiaCare is working in coordination with the Veterans Health Administration, other non-profits, and local government agencies to provide Veterans affordable Permanent and Supportive Housing, Case Management, and Support Services For Veterans and Families in both Oregon and Washington.
Team of Professionals
ColumbiaCare has an experienced executive, administrative, and direct care team of staff. We recruit, hire and retain skilled, qualified and professional employees to help us carry out our mission and goals. Individuals under our employment include medical and mental health professionals such as Psychiatrists, Qualified Mental Health Professionals (Master’s Level therapists), Nurses, and Qualified Mental Health Associates, Veterans and Peers. Staffing levels are based on the type of program and the client population, and regularly exceed state and other contractual requirements. ColumbiaCare currently employs over 500 people.
ColumbiaCare puts a high priority on, and substantially invests in, comprehensive training for employees as we understand this directly relates to staff fulfillment and the quality of skills they bring to their work. It’s in everyone’s best interest that our staff be knowledgeable, confident and competent in their job performance and provide excellent care to our clients.