clients and staff gardening in a community garden

Our Communities Care

ColumbiaCare is passionate about the work that we do because of the people we serve, and the impact we can have. As we mention in the very first point of our Community Relations Philosophy, "ColumbiaCare believes that collaboration is a key component in promoting the welfare of persons living with a mental illness. We believe that community mental health requires the involvement and support of treatment providers, local government, fellow community members, friends and family."

We know that our communities care. This sometimes shows up as curiosity and questions. It sometimes shows up as volunteerism or other types of participation and involvement. It can show up as advocacy and also sometimes as concern.

Whichever category one may fall into, we hope to have "community care" show up as understanding and support for those who need it most. We can't recommend enough that interested community members become as educated about mental health as possible. Mental Health First Aid is great place to start to gain understanding, to help reduce stigma for individuals living with a mental illness, and to ultimately be part of the solution. To find Mental Health training opportunities, or to learn more visit Mental Health First Aid.

We are so thankful for your commitment and care!

Community Relations Philosophy/Client Rights

ColumbiaCare believes that collaboration is a key component in promoting the welfare of persons living with a mental illness. This principle is built into our agency mission and design. We believe that community mental health requires the involvement and support of treatment providers, local government, fellow community members, friends and family. And since 1 in 5 adults live with a mental illness, it is very likely that any given community member may either be experiencing a mental illness, or know and care about someone who is.

ColumbiaCare believes that the stigma that comes from fear and misunderstanding can be a barrier to recovery for those who have a mental illness. Likewise, understanding, support and encouragement can be an extremely vital component in client care. In order to best encourage collaboration, we want to acknowledge and address safety concerns, make useful information accessible, express our commitment to protecting the rights of our residents, keep open the lines of communication, and, ultimately and ideally, have community get involved in a positive way.

ColumbiaCare is committed to the safety and well-being of both our residents and community members. As we develop programming, we put this statement into action by adhering to a community integration process which includes:

Ensuring appropriate resident placement through careful and appropriate screening and placement procedures;

Going above and beyond to recruit and retain highly qualified and professional staff to provide the appropriate level of staff supervision and treatment, when needed;

For higher levels of more structured residential care, carefully designing and building into each particular facility with the appropriate level of physical safeguards as appropriate;

Coordinating with partnering provider agencies, local law enforcement, and other community members to proactively address emergency response plans which may include instructions such as when and how the general public should communicate concerns, and to whom; when and how staff will report incidents to local law enforcement; and how both local law enforcement and ColumbiaCare can best address an issue should one arise in a timely, respectful and responsive manner; AND

Staying dedicated to the ColumbiaCare mission and ultimate goal of providing quality treatment which provides people a "pathway to achieving the same things that all humans need to not only feel safe and well taken care of, but to contribute and thrive". ​

For the purposes of its importance to good community relations, the term "livability" basically means quality of life. We are in the business of providing this for our clients, and just as we expect goodwill and common courtesy from community members and neighbors, we have the same obligation to them. We all live in the same community and have the same desires, concerns, and expectations for the peaceful enjoyment of our homes and public spaces. We consider and promote this at every level of our programming, including development practices, staff training, ongoing property maintenance, and even client skills training around how to be successful in the community. We always aim to have one of the nicest properties on the block and maintain curb appeal. Not only is the right environment for our clients, it also impacts overall property values in the area. We require staff to respect and obey traffic laws and honor parking agreements. We listen to and share with the right person any neighbor concerns so they can be quickly responded to and addressed. We respect quiet hours. And last but not least, we proactively look for ways to be good neighbors.

As ColumbiaCare endeavors to develop vital services in various communities, one of the greatest challenges and opportunities is community education, or making information known to the public in such a way that citizens are less likely to feel anxious and become more likely to advocate on behalf of more vulnerable populations. Ideally, those who are properly informed and educated about the realities of mental illness have less need to rely on stories they have heard, and or to regard mental illness as it is often spotlighted and misrepresented in the media.

As a provider, it is our responsibility and desire to ease concern and overcome objections, and yet continue to move forward with the project at hand.

It is important to mention that ColumbiaCare will not participate in discriminatory housing practices, nor will we deny nor infringe upon our residents' rights or privacy based on:

  • Federal Fair Housing Law

  • Americans with Disabilities Act

  • The Olmstead Act

  • The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.

That being said, ColumbiaCare will share information about our services, programs, and experience. We will work to build trust through communication and responsiveness. We take pride in the services we provide to those who both need them and are entitled to them.

Next, ColumbiaCare provides additional education about our company, service programs, facilities, and mental illness in general, through one-on-one conversations, written informational materials, this Community Cares page, and various small community meetings and Open Houses. ColumbiaCare attempts to provide interested citizens with a better understanding as to the nature of mental illness in its full spectrum by sharing what we know, pointing to other resources available; and ultimately demonstrating that people with mental illness who live in a community setting deserve dignity and respect, can function and make valuable contributions to society. We want to help people realize that a safe, caring and treatment-oriented atmosphere can help those living with a mental health issue get better, which ultimately results in healthier and safer individuals and communities.

Last but not least, ColumbiaCare offers the opportunity for neighbors and community members to get involved. It is remarkably effective when interested citizens gain understanding and also shares that with others. Advocacy works, and eradicating the stigma around mental illness is truly a community effort that has a positive impact on everyone involved.